As Texas continues to struggle with a growing measles outbreak that has made 58 more counting ill, other states have started reporting their cases of highly infectious diseases.
Two other states, New Mexico and Georgia, have reached the “outbreak” status defined by the US Center for Disease Control, meaning that they have reported three or more related matters of the disease.
But the CDC only updated case numbers monthly, tracking the spread and proclaiming has fallen in the week between different states.
The Texas Department of State Health Services announced on Tuesday that the infection was up to 58, mostly in children. All but four cases include people or people with unknown vaccination status, and most of the Genns County have been in Far West Texas, with 2023-2024 as per state data, K -12 students vaccinated 17.62% vaccines. Is exempted
In New Mexico, the number is up to nine, the New Mexico Health Department today confirmed the USA on the USA on Thursday, which is in Lee County, which is from the Texas State Line and Gens County. Four of the infected people are under 18 and are unnatural, while the other are five adults, which are unknown or unknown vaccination conditions, Las Crasses Sun News, is part of the USA Today network.
Meanwhile, Georgia officials on Thursday confirmed the USA that there are still three confirmed cases in the state. The Road Island Health Department says there is a case in the state, while Alaska confirmed that there are two in the state.
Other states have reported cases, but have not updated the number in days or weeks and did not immediately respond to the USA Today’s request to confirm. These include New Jersey, which confirmed a case on 14 February, and New York, where a case was reported by CDC on 7 February as part of its final update.
See measles data:Measles cases are increasing, mostly among unnatural people. Learn symptoms
See map of states with measles cases
What is measles and how do you get it?
Measles is a highly contagious, vaccine-pre-disease disease caused by a virus that mainly, and most seriously, affects children. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it infects the respiratory tract before spreading throughout the body.
The virus is highly contagious; Such infectious, in fact, that 90% of the unavitated people who are exposing it are contracted. Additionally, one in five of them was hospitalized, according to the CDC.
Measles is spread in contact with infected nose or throat secretion, according to WHO. It is air and most usually spreads through actions such as cough, sneezing or breathing. Measles virus can remain infectious in the air or on contaminated surfaces for two hours.
What are measles symptoms?
According to the CDC, measles symptoms appear seven to 14 days after contact with the virus and usually include high fever, cough, flowing nose and water eyes. Measles grains appear three to five days after the onset of the first symptoms.
Other signs and symptoms of measles include:
- When the rash appears, a person’s fever may be more than 104 degrees Fahrenheit
- High fever
- cough
- Nose and sneezing
- Red, water eyes
- Loss of appetite, diarrhea
- Red-grain
- Coplic Spot, Small White spots that may appear inside the mouth two to three days after the symptoms start
- Small raised bumps may also appear above flat red spots (spots can join together because they spread from head to the rest of the body)
Contribution: Janet Loharke, USA Today