1More has just released its latest ultra-size set of noisy headphones and, as we have become accustomed, is able to pack even more features for the same price. Sonoflow Se HQ31 costs $ 60-the same price as Sonoflow Se HQ30-and wired/wireless hi-race audio compatibility, spatial audio, a claimed up-to-90 hour battery life, better noise cancellation and Add wired connection options. They come in four different colors and you can buy them on Amazon right now.
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The design has also gone through a development. Instead of the original version and the fast -defined edges of the previous Sonophlow model like the original version and the pro previous Sonophlow model, there are round counters, which they look a little more like the life chain of Soundcore’s wireless headphones.
They still bend and bend the flat, but you will not find a case of travel or bag. In the box, you will find headphones and two cables: charging and USB audio from USB-A to USB-C, and 3.5 mm cable for analog wired connections. In terms of convenience, this is the greatest upgradation on HQ30, which has only supported wireless audio through Bluetooth.
Like Sonoflow Pro HQ51, HQ31 Hi-RS is capable of audio. This means that drivers are capable of reproducing high frequencies up to 40KHz. They also support Sony’s LDAC Bluetooth codec, which (in ideal conditions) will transport from a compatible Android phone to the headphone to 24-bit/96 kHz hi-os audio (iPhones are not compatible with LDAC).
1More states that it has improved the capacity of its saultmax noise cancellation technique in HQ31, with up to 42DB suppression for some frequencies.
The battery life claimed on HQ30 was already very impressive with the ANC for 70 hours (50 hours with it), and HQ31 put it even further, with non-N, non-LDAC life for 90 hours. With ANC, it falls to 60 hours. 1More has not told us how much hit battery life seems to be in hit battery life when you use LDAC, but in our experience you can expect 30% less game.
Finally, HQ31 also combines the spatial audio mode of 1More, which creates a broad soundstage for more immersive hearing experience.
The official regular price of 1More on Sonophlo SE HQ31 is $ 60, although Amazon has given them a price of $ 50 at the moment, offering 20% from the immediate coupon, making them 20% from the immediate coupon, making them wireless compartments to just $ 40.